College Leadership

Sofia Vearing

Senior Years 


Sofia was a student at Monivae College from 1980-1986. Following her secondary education, Sofia studied at Monash University and returned to Monivae as a staff member in 1991 and has remained working at Monivae since then. Sofia has held the position of Humanities Faculty Leader for a number of years and has taught History, Geography, Biology and Science across all year levels. She has also been a long-time homeroom teacher of Year 12. Sofia is an active contributor to the Teaching and Learning team but is now broadening out to take on a more pastoral role as Senior School Coordinator. Sofia loves Monivae and is proud to be a part of the Monivae Community. Monivae has had a huge impact on Sofia’s life as a student, staff member and parent of two students both of who flourished during their time at Monivae.